Friday, 25 May 2012

Golf Balls Galore and More

While I've been sharing with you about the golf ball butterfly and horse carving I've been working on, I have also been busy with a few other projects, too. I rarely have only one carving on the go. I like to have several carvings in various stages of progress. That way, I can do different things depending on what my mood is or how tired I am. Here are a few carvings that I finished varnishing yesterday:

Golf Balls Galore!... Granny, Bunny, Green Man, Butterfly on Flower

Bear in Tree Stump

Of course, I am still working away on my horse. I finished the carving of it last night, and tonight will begin my least favorite part of the carving process... sanding. I know many carvers don't like to sand, but I personally do love the appearance and feel of a well-sanded woodcarving. I sand all my carvings seven times using five different grits. Two sandings are done with 80-grit sandpaper, two sandings are done with 100-grit sandpaper, and then I do one sanding each with 150-grit, 180-grit, and 200-grit sandpapers.

~Karen V.

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